Art Confli Between Love and Patriotism Night Watch Oath Execution


Patriotic Fervor

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"By 'patriotism' I mean devotion to a detail place and a item fashion of life, which one believes to exist the best in the earth but has no wish to forcefulness on other people. Patriotism is of its nature defensive, both militarily and culturally. Nationalism, on the other hand, is inseparable from the want for power. The abiding purpose of every nationalist is to secure more ability and more prestige, not for himself but for the nation or other unit in which he has chosen to sink his own individuality."

Patriotism is an emotional zipper to one's perceived people(southward) and homeland(southward), though people have used the give-and-take differently over time and in various contexts. In the twentieth century information technology was also understood equally devotion to ane's nation(-state). How patriotism is portrayed in fiction oscillates between two poles, both of which stand on opposite sides of Individualism vs. Collectivism.

Patriotism is Good

A patriot cares for their people over their people'due south nation: they treasure their people, but would never do evil in their name if information technology could be helped. Individual people take personalities and worth of their own; nations don't. Nations are only groupings of peoples, communities, and cultures, like paintings on a wall. Nations aren't worthy of dear or devotion without the context of the people and communities that etch them.

Their 'patriotism' comes from a love of their people and way of life, likewise as a deep business for their welfare. They want their people to be prosperous and happy, and if push comes to shove, they volition gladly sacrifice their nation's prestige to ensure that they are. They detest state of war and are otherwise reluctant to fight because they care about their people's wellbeing and want to minimize the harm done to them, even if that means waging war.

This tends to be by and large seen equally a Forgotten Trope in modern media, though it fluctuates depending on the fourth dimension menstruation and place. It still pops up occasionally (frequently subverting nationalist ideas of what makes someone patriotic, à la A Few Good Men, or the other attributes associated with patriotism, à la Forrest Gump). My State, Right or Wrong usually tends to fall under here.

Patriotism is Bad

A patriot cares for their nation over their nation's people: they prize their loyalty to their nation above all else, and would do admittedly anything for it (all the same reluctantly or gladly). Nations accept characteristics and worth of their ain; individual people don't. Individual people, communities, and cultures are just disposable, unremarkable components of the nation, like the cells of a torso. They aren't worthy of dear and devotion similar the nation is.

Their "patriotism" comes from a devotion to their nation and its power, and a deep concern for its prestige at the expense of their own countrymen. They desire their nation to exist powerful and respected, and if push comes to shove, they will gladly cede their nation's people to ensure that it has them. They love war because they intendance about their nation's ability and image and want to heighten them by any ways, specially if that ways waging war.

This is a common trope in modern media cheers to the apotheosis of nationalism in the twentieth century and the enduring strength of nationalism to this 24-hour interval. It is usually played straight and embodied by such characters as the Sociopathic Soldier, Colonel Kilgore, or General Ripper. They are often a Tautological Templar who believes that the actions of their country are justified by virtue of beingness their country.

Patriotism is Proficient and Bad

Every at present and and so y'all get a mix, where the blowhard is genuinely loyal and laudable, despite his enthusiasm for wars with other peoples — though genocidal warmongers don't tend to feature in this category. On the other hand, the various strains of nationalism tend to lead writers to portray patriotism towards a certain state (i.e. their own) as good while patriotism towards all others is bad.

When washed right, it tin can exist respectful of other patriotisms and nationalism while providing a more nuanced take of the concept. Washed poorly, however, this tin can besides be a source of Misplaced Nationalism and Flame Bait.

This basically becomes the Sliding Scale of Patriotism vs Jingoism.

These poles can and often do reflect the personal political philosophy of the writer (and, contrary to what the stereotypes would have 1 believe, existence right-wing does not necessarily make one more jingoistic, nor does existence left-wing necessarily brand i less patriotic). We can observe, though, that there are sometimes direct relationships betwixt the popularity of a state of war and the number of noble or oafish patriots portrayed, which leads to the idea that the trope is cyclic. The author may simply be putting up a grapheme in response to the mood of the public. Of grade, films like Lions for Lambs, which lambaste the war they portray and nonetheless were massive flops at the box part, provide a big counterpoint to that theory.

Regardless of the motives, the Super Patriot is ofttimes a General Ripper or the Hero of Another Story.

Captain Geographic often is like this.

It should be pointed out that this is far from being mainly an American thought, however, dissimilar cultures have different attitudes toward information technology. For example in British television, or in fact most other British media published after 1918, Patriotic Fervor is pretty much always an unsympathetic trait, usually played for laughs. (British media produced before 1918, on the other hand, do exactly the reverse.) Where the line is drawn between regular patriotism and fervor is also very unlike; what nearly Americans would consider normal patriotism would exist seen as jingoism amid well-nigh Germans, for example.

Run across Misplaced Nationalism for the internet equivalent. Run into My State, Correct or Wrong for when someone allows Patriotic Fervor to convince themselves that aiding an evil leader is their "duty". See My Country Tis of Thee That I Sting for artists who criticize their own country. Run across also Propaganda Piece.


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Patriotism is Good


    Anime and Manga

  • Momotaro's Divine Sea Warriors (1945), the first feature-length anime ever made, is a rah-rah wartime propaganda piece in which cuddly animals become paratroopers in the Imperial Japanese Navy. It was a sequel to short film Momotaro's Bounding main Eagles, in which cuddly animal IJN pilots blow the hell out of Pearl Harbor.
  • Daitetsu Kunikida from Blue Seed reeeeeaaaaally loves Nippon.
  • Heroman (which is prepare in America). That'southward all that needs to be said, actually.
  • The Fable of Koizumi is fabricated of this trope, Mahjong, and insane amounts of Hot Blood.
  • Mobile Fighter G Gundam, being powered by the Captain Ethnic trope, has a few of these.
    • Chibodee Crockett is a i-homo Hawkeye Country who sees himself every bit a personification of the American Dream. He wants to win the Gundam Fight to prove to all the downtrodden Americans stuck on World that they can make it likewise, and seeing Americans utilize cheap underhanded tactics is a Berserk Button for him.
    • George de Sand is a French knight in SPACE. His motivation for fighting (apart from the fight itself) is to bring honor and glory to France, he's dedicated himself to Princess Marie-Louise, and his family takes pride in still living on French soil rather than Neo-France's infinite colony.
  • Ein from Fist of the North Star wears a pair of pauldrons emblazoned with American flags. Information technology's not exactly clear whether he's an American or not, simply his bravery amazes fifty-fifty Kenshiro, who wears one of the two pauldrons later on Ein's untimely decease.
  • Sidooh: The manga is set during the Bakumatsu Era of the tardily 1800s, and main characters are members of the shishi, who seek to purge Japan of the foreign (American) invaders, who have brought affliction, law-breaking, and social unrest.
  • Togo from Yuki Yuna is a Hero is very patriotic about Nippon, to the indicate where she carries a small-scale flag around according to the visual novel. Information technology'southward portrayed as a cute, admirable trait of hers.

    Asian Animation

  • Squirrel and Hedgehog is a cartoon from North Korea. That should tell you enough about what viewers are getting into.

    Comic Books

  • Freedom Fighters (DC) has Uncle Sam, Anthropomorphic Personification of the American Spirit, who is literally composed of this trope. No, actually: his strength is directly proportional to the faith of the American people in America and its ideals, to the extent that if nobody had any such faith he'd terminate to exist.
  • A lot of Gilded Optics' motivation in the Globe War I serial "Golden Eyes" and Her Hero "Neb" comes from her dearest of her land - and for her boyfriend, who is a soldier fighting against the Germans. Information technology'south the reason she enlists in the war effort every bit an ambulance driver, and why she does things like randomly sing The Star-Spangled Banner while she's on duty. The series is a Propaganda Piece, and so the German language enemies are portrayed as sneaky, vindictive, and subscribing to a misogynistic worldview explicitly described every bit "the creed of the German" while the American protagonists are courageous, charitable, and patriotic even unto expiry: during one particularly unsafe exploit, Golden Optics is shown clutching a tiny American flag to her middle when she's moments away from being executed for espionage past a German captain:

    "He would shoot her before the eyes of the American sentries of their lines three hundred yards away! Erect above the mud and turf the slim figure stood—a tiny silk flag of her own land clutched shut to her centre—her game up! —but her lips smiling! She had fought hard for love and life—just award remained—hers and her army'south. So she smiled!"

    Film — Live-Action

  • 300: Only to be expected. Later all, that was Sparta.
  • Air Force I: This is a moving picture about the President of the United States played by Harrison Ford fighting off Russian hijackers on Air Force One and saving hostages.
  • Captain America: The First Avenger: Puts less emphasis on Steve being a super-patriot and more on him being The Cape. He just wants to aid people, and the costume and Hitler-punching persona is cooked up by a Propaganda Machine he'd be a lot happier without. The signs pointing to Steve's patriotism are mostly subtle, the most obvious i being his willingness to serve his country by any means, including the aforementioned propaganda. On the other hand, information technology's likewise mentioned that the Captain America persona did eventually grow on him. He also buys very heavily into the fixation with being the underdog that shows upward a lot in American patriotism, and then it's debatable.
    • Later made fun of in Avengers: Endgame with the "America'south Ass" joke.
  • Crime Doctor: Wheeler is attempting to suspension out of prison so he tin can reenlist in the army. Ordway helps him to understand why this is never going to happen and explains what he tin can do to aid the cause from inside.
  • Independence Day: The president is a handsome immature fighter pilot who helps save the world and gives a Rousing Speech about July four existence Independence Day for the entire globe, after America Saved the Day.
  • Once Upon a Time in Mexico: The end plays this straight, with the Mariachi and his crew saving the Mexican president, and the entire city fighting a war machine group attempting a coup.
  • Revolution (1967): This is going through the protesters, because ane sign says "U.G. 51st State Of U.S.", and the U.K. would never willingly become a United states of americaA. state.
  • Tiger Prowl: This Disney pic has lots of American patriotism, existence a moving picture well-nigh a US Navy Military Brat work experience event aboard an aircraft carrier. Incidentally, information technology besides happens to exist about nine/11.
  • When told to kneel before Queen Admira in The Hugga Bunch, Bridget retorts she'southward an American citizen and won't kneel to anybody, sheepishly remarking that information technology's in the Constitution.


    Live-Action Television set

  • 100 Greatest Britons: A TV testify by the BBC to elect the most beauteous Briton of all fourth dimension was patriotic in nature.
  • Most of the chief characters from Babylon 5, although they are largely a grouping of ambassadors. While these are the more than subtle and serious class, Clarke'southward supporters in the World civil war plot are very much the loud kind.
  • The Colbert Report: Stephen Colbert is as American as it gets. Artist Todd Lockwood described the page image (the fine art for a tragically rejected Globe of Warcraft TCG bill of fare) as "I am Captain America, so can yous!"
  • Reality show Counting Cars is firmly in this camp; show star and shop owner Danny "The Count" Koker is the son of a Green Beret and is a huge supporter of the troops. He enjoys doing jobs for armed forces causes and will go all out on said projects.


  • Analog: The July 1942 outcome, which came out during the American Independence Twenty-four hours and World State of war 2, has an American flag over the cover, with the New York City skyline underneath it and an advertisement for buying war bonds. This was coordinated with many other magazines to feature the same cover. The "Buy state of war bonds for victory" stamp would show upwardly on several later covers that yr, as well.


  • Call The Names is a Concept Anthology by Heather Dale celebrating the history of and about her Club for Artistic Anachronism kingdom of Ealdormere. A Downplayed Trope as Ealdormere is not legally a country.
  • "Red White and Blue" by Judas Priest plays with the trope: Aside from the band saying the content is natural language in cheek, the lyrics are kept deliberately vague, and the merely affair identifying what country it's supposed to be supporting is repeated mentions of a cherry-red, white and blue flag: Listeners from the band'south native England would be thinking of the Wedlock Jack, just many other countries have red, white and blue flags, including the United States, Puerto Rico and Cuba, even France. the all-time at The ending of the vocal is an instrumental quote of "God Relieve The Queen", the national anthem of the Uk, but fifty-fifty that might be deliberately cryptic - the American patriotic song "America (My Country, 'Tis of Thee)" uses the same melody.


  • Gottlieb's Spirit of 76 is completely marinated in this trope. Justified as the pinball was released to celebrate the Usa Bicentennial.
  • Similarly, Gottlieb's Rocky pinball is heavily busy with the stars and stripes of the American flag, while the bumpers and targets are all red, white, or blue.
  • Evel Knievel, like the stuntman himself, is brimful in patriotic cherry, white, and blue stars and stripes.
  • Bally's The Six 1000000 Dollar Homo is predominately red and blue, absolute with a bevy of white stars and an assortment of jet fighters.
  • Harlem Globetrotters On Bout is awash in ruby, white, and blue stars and stripes.
  • There'due south a subdued version in Bally's Harley Davidson, which features a cross-country road trip with eagles and a U-South-A Spelling Bonus.
    • The third edition of the Stern Pinball Harley game has American flags in the playfield backgrounds.

    Professional Wrestling

  • The deeply patriotic American is a deadline Stock Graphic symbol. Hulk Hogan in his prime, though, exemplified this trope. When the Hulkster left WWE in 1993, Lex Luger rather awkwardly took over his role every bit the All-American Face up.
  • The Fe Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff, whom he was Vitriolic Best Buds with, showed that this trope wasn't express to American patriotism. (Volkoff eventually became quite fond of the U.S. as a result of his Heel–Confront Turn, and ironically plant himself opposed to all-American Badass Sgt. Slaughter subsequently Slaughter experienced a Face–Heel Turn and became an Iraqi sympathizer.)
  • Dennis Rivera of La Rabia in the World Wrestling League, a member of the Puerto Rico Nationalist Party whose very presence usually questions why Puerto Rican'southward don't rebel. He'south one of the promotion's summit faces and a third of their first tercias titleholders(a trios champion, basically). Subverted when Carlito Caribbean Absurd was in the promotion though, as the commentators only one-half-heartedly supported him for being Boricua while otherwise favoring many of his foreign opponents such as La Parka Jr.
  • Always since returning to Japan and becoming "The Rainmaker" of CHAOS, Kazuchika Okada'south been known for hyperbolic speeches nigh his nation'due south greatness.


  • Being about the Revolutionary War, virtually every grapheme in the musical 1776 is an ardent patriot. An honorable mention, even so, goes to Caeser Rodney, who came back to Philadelphia to vote while dying of cancer and shouted down anybody who disagreed with the war.
    • Richard Henry Lee's song 'The Lees of Old Virginia' is a tribute both to his family and to the state of Virginia, at a time when states were more like pocket-sized countries.


  • "America Cares Bear" is a Care Bears grapheme introduced in 2003 as a reaction to 9/11. She is renamed "America Bear" in many places outside of the USA. She'south a white acquit with an American-themed rainbow on her tummy.

    Video Games

  • Liberty Force: Minuteman and Freedom Lad are American-themed superheroes.
  • This trope is the backstory for the Korean characters of the Soul Series. Hwang and Yun-Seong are soldiers in the Regal Navy seeking Soul Edge in order to fight Nippon and prove their national superiority. Seong Mi Na is trying to prove that females can be equally capable soldiers as male person recruits.
  • Masakado for Shin Megami Tensei. He once was a samurai warlord who tried to overthrow the Emperor, and after his death, his spirit and devotion to the people proved so strong, he became a chivalrous protector deity for the Tokyo area. The National Defense force Divinities, a handful of Shinto gods, were likewise devoted enough to volunteer themselves into the local Kaiju Defense Forcefulness confronting invading demons.
  • In Time Crisis iv, Captain William Rush is the very patriotic sidekick of the two VSSE agents assigned to the mission. He is quite upset to notice out that the terrorists are a rebellious U.Southward. military unit, and when he confronts one of their major figures, he lets his wrestling skills loose while he and his terrorist opponent exchange some pretty heated banter.

    Blitz: "'re a disgrace to your country! You took an oath of loyalty to your country!"
    Mathers: "That oath meant nuthin'!"

  • A more than positive case of American patriotism in the Fallout games lies in the Minutemen of Fallout iv, who style themselves after the historical Minutemen from the American Revolutionary War. This includes dressing upward in longcoats and brimmed hats, using powerful homemade Laser Muskets, and using erstwhile marching tunes in their radio station, Radio Liberty. The Minutemen General'south outfit looks like Captain America's costume as a Badass Longcoat.


  • Shortpacked!'s Ronald Reagan has the ability to suspension the legs of shoplifters through patriotic fervor, which as well makes him immune to bullets.

    Web Original

  • Jib Jab studios released a video portraying President Barack Obama every bit a Superman-esque super-hero, and as such, filled it to the skirt with Patriotic Fervor. The catastrophe of the video in particular will make you desire to salute the flag: Check it out here.
  • Matt of 2 All-time Friends Play loves to shout "America!" whenever he sees something patriotic. Or does something awesome. Or when he does something really stupid but thinks it's crawly. This is despite the fact that he's actually a Canadian.

    Western Animation

  • All wartime cartoons made during Earth State of war 2 fall into this domain since they are pure propaganda with an "America Won World State of war Ii against the Axis" bulletin. Examples are Russian Rhapsody, The New Spirit, Any Bonds Today?, The Spirit of '43, Blitz Wolf, The Ducktators, Tokio Jokio, Herr Meets Hare, Bugs Bunny Nips the Nips, Plane Daffy, Daffy the Commando, Der Fuehrer's Face and Instruction for Expiry.
  • Played for Laughs in i scene in Toy Story 2 where Fizz Lightyear delivers a Rousing Oral communication to get the other toys to get with him to rescue Woody, with an American flag flying backside him. This would afterwards Match Cut to the scene where Al falls comatose to the Goggle box signing off as the National Anthem plays. Outside the U.Due south., this was inverse to a multicolored world with fireworks going off as a different piece of music from the movie'due south soundtrack plays.
  • Zigzagged in G.I. Joe: A Existent American Hero: While the U.South. edition of the '80s-era cartoon goes hyper-patriotic in its opening credits, theme vocal, and subtitle, the actual content had to continue its Eagleland Fervor somewhat less excessive, as the cartoon was also marketed internationally. Overseas, the Joes were depicted as a multinational anti-terrorist strength, albeit ane with a lot of proudly-American members.

Patriotism is Bad

    Anime and Manga

  • Played darkly in the Alabasta Arc of I Piece, in which Big Bad Crocodile uses this to plow the people of the land of Alabasta against each other. He arranges events and so that half of the population becomes convinced that the Male monarch is self-serving and out to ruin the land for his ain benefit, and then they offset a rebellion and go to war confronting the other one-half who remain loyal to the King. Crocodile'due south description of his plan?
  • Attack on Titan explores the dangers of when love for your country is used to justify atrocities and violent nationalism. After the Time Skip, Eren has become the central figure of a nationalistic movement that seeks to re-institute the ancient Eldian Empire. Members of this movement begin to conspire against their own government, leaking fractional data to the public to plow them against the military and even assassinating Commander Darius Zackley. The group includes more one Sociopathic Soldier, who believe the past conflicts with the Warriors justifies them trying to burn down down the Liberio ghetto. The main bandage is horrified to watch Eren and his followers sliding deeper and deeper into fanaticism.

    Comic Books

  • The difference in US and UK perceptions of apparent Patriotic Fervor is the reason why Captain United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland is pretty much unheard of in his 'dwelling' state, considered equal parts distressing and hilarious when people know he exists. Though this is likely due to the fact that his design (a strapping bang-up big muscular guy emblazoned with the Spousal relationship Flag) caters far more to the American tastes of what constitutes a hero. Brits far prefer their heroes a little more Byronic, contemptuous and witty — which is why home-grown James Bond and Sherlock Holmes have ever been and then well received and are the UK's counterpart of patriotic characters.
  • Parodied with "American Eagle" and "The states Patriot Deed", two of the metaprodigies at PS238 school. As candidates to replace Liberty Fighter (the Captain America Expy of the PS238-verse) they constantly endeavour to outdo each other in Patriotic Fervor, to the bemusement and annoyance of their teachers and classmates:

    American Hawkeye: Skilful citizens, can you lend a beau American aid? I'1000 in search of Mr. Alloy's classroom. I wish to farther my pedagogy in science so that I might contribute to the innovation that makes our land a leader in the quest for knowledge!

  • Heroes Reborn (2021): Every member of the Squadron Supreme, fifty-fifty technical foreigners like Power Princess, take a xenophobic, jingoist pride in America. Doctor Spectrum has a most-genocidal hatred of all conflicting life, applying Manifest Destiny to space exploration past subjugating every other race and exterminating any that won't autumn in line. Hyperion and Power Princess similarly committed a near-genocide of all the mutants.

    Comic Strips

  • A FoxTrot strip had Paige claiming to be doing her Freedom homework (instead of "French homework"), to her mother's irritation.

    Film — Live-Action

  • Played with in The Stone.
    • That line about watering the Tree of Liberty with blood is one of the reasons the author of the Proclamation of Independence may be seen equally a bit of a jerkass — it could be used to justify things similar the French Terror.
    • The same line has also been used as justification by terrorists, racists, and assorted unpleasant characters upwards to modernistic times. Timothy McVeigh was known to wearable a tee-shirt with the quote on information technology.
  • The Deltas deploy this in Creature House in social club to deflect attention from the (accurate) charge that they supplied their underage pledges with alcoholic beverages and date-raped their female guests at a toga party. Eric Stratton argues that it'south unfair to railroad the unabridged Delta fraternity because of the deportment of a few bad apples. After all, one might every bit well scapegoat institutions of higher learning in general for assuasive such organizations to exist at all -- and, by extension, ane might likewise condemn the Usa for mismanaging its national educational organization. And how dare you! That's unpatriotic! They and then leave the room humming the national anthem.
  • Mishima A Life In 4 Chapters: Mishima and Isao accept this desperately. It doesn't end well for them.
  • Uncle Sam, a slasher about the title character killing off the unpatriotic (flag burners, draft dodgers, sleazy lawyers, soldiers, and politicians, etc.) But in reality, he'due south not some super patriot vigilante, simply a psycho who likes killing people.
  • Army is a very subtle example. It was commissioned in 1944 by the Royal Japanese Army every bit a pro-army, Patriotism Is Skillful moving-picture show. Simply director Keisuke Kinoshita was an anti-war liberal, so he snuck in a subtle Patriotism Is Bad message. Sometimes, it'southward subtle, like when 2 Armchair Military idiots have a ridiculous argument over whether the Mongols could have conquered Japan 650 years earlier—ane gets very angry when the other suggests that, well, they could accept. At other times the Patriotism Is Bad message is more overt and dramatic, similar when a panicking, sobbing female parent tries to fight her fashion through a cheering oversupply to become i last await at her marching son before he goes off to war.


  • In The War Prayer by Mark Twain the people are and then caught up in patriotic feelings the implication of the prayers for victory (i.e. wishing death and suffering on the enemy) simply doesn't occur to him.

    Alive-Action Boob tube

  • The third Stone from the Sun episode "Red, White, & Dick" centered on the aliens discovering patriotism. In an endeavor to be as American equally possible, Emerge, Tommy, and Harry looked over the Declaration of Independence. They latched onto the phrase "all men are created equal" and ended upward creating a Does This Remind You of Anything? version of Commie Land. Meanwhile, Dick discovered that he was Canadian in his phony Globe identity and took the citizenship test (which is weird, since he was able to register to vote in the earlier episode "Dick the Vote").
  • House: When overseas job relocation comes up in a conversation between Business firm, Adams, and Parker in season eight, Business firm dismisses patriotism with his usual cynicism:

    "Patriotism is nothing merely loyalty to real estate. Real estate that's been conquered 800 times by 800 different regimes with 800 different cultures. But each fourth dimension it's merely the best."


  • "Waiting For The Worms" from Pink Floyd'due south The Wall has our protagonist use phrases like "would you like to run into Britannia rule once more, my friend? All you have to do is follow the worms!" to attempt to bring people over to his side. Keep in mind that, at this point, he's essentially a neo-Nazi skinhead.

    Professional person Wrestling

  • Exaggerated with the Jerkass heel Kurt Bending, who was so patriotic that he wore a starred and striped singlet and insulted Canadian people; and darkly subverted with John "Bradshaw" Layfield, who merely exploited patriotism as a vehicle to seize ability.
  • Rene Dupree showed French Patriotic Fervor during 2003-2004 (which, if you'll remember the current events going on at the time, was when there was a huge backfire against French republic due to their actively trying to undermine the invasion of Republic of iraq). He was so joined past Rob Conway, an American turncoat "French sympathizer", forming the tag team La Resistance, and getting Heel heat not only from the fans merely particularly Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler (despite Lawler being a heel, or at to the lowest degree a Jerk with a Heart of Gilt).
    • A couple of years afterwards, Sylvan Grenier - the third La Resistance member - became the self-appointed Ambassador of Quebec, a heel who kept telling people that Quebec was the best place in the world. This culminated in a Smackdown from Montreal, where he got massive thank you.
    • Both Dupree and Grenier are actually Canadian, and after a while (mayhap to mitigate hostility amongst fans in France) they were billed as French-Canadian jingoists. (For context, French-Canadians are frequently viewed by Anglo-Canadians with fifty-fifty more disdain than Mexican-Americans are viewed in the U.Southward.) Humorously, Rob Conway was too billed equally a Canadian despite beingness from New Jersey.
  • Ashley America, a straw human reactionary wrestling pundit who denounces Valkyrie Women'south Pro for violating American traditions like not hiring "natives" such as the "job stealing" Nyla Rose and Hania.
  • Salina de la Renta is known for scouting and aiding Latin Americans of all kinds, then long as their official nationality is USA. If you're a foreigner she at best sees you as a tool to be used and discarded. At worst yous are a diseased Knife Nut who needs to be deported.

    Stand-Upwards Comedy

  • Discussed by Chris Stone in Never Scared. He discusses how subsequently 9/xi and at the start of the Iraq War, Americans were extremely patriotic, and there was "accepted racism" towards French and Arabs.

    Chris: Then they went to, "I'm American, I'yard American, fuck all these illegal aliens!" Then I started listening, 'cause I know niggas and Jews is next!

    Tabletop Games

  • The computer, some of the rebellions, and a lot of the players in Paranoia act on a twisted grade of this trope.

    Video Games

    • The Enclave in full general tended toward this (forth with Oppressive States of America) during the final days of the Old Earth, and only got worse in the post-apocalyptic era, to the signal of having to exist taken down in Fallout iii.
  • Fallout: New Vegas has Dr. Borous of the Former World Blues DLC, who similiar to Liberty Prime has a psychotic hatred of communists. In his case, yet, information technology seems to be a mask for his petty hatred of a high school bully and a girl who rejected him.
  • The Soldier is often implied to suffer profoundly from this in the Team Fortress 2 fandom. A number of his domination lines, though, cement his hilariously over the superlative jingoism. The fact that he has a grasp on reality that can charitably be described as 'tenuous' but makes information technology that much funnier.

    "Stars and Stripes beats Hammer and Sickle, LOOK It Upwardly." (Upon dominating the Heavy, a Russian)
    "America wins again!" (When dominating the German Medic)
    "Your white flag does not stop American bullets." (Dominating the French Spy)

  • The Jack Howitzer commercials in Grand Theft Car'southward radio. All of them satirical over-the-top parody jingoism.
  • Defense Government minister Tamagami of Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse, a Japanese nationalist who wants to purge Nihon of foreign influence (specially American, Chinese, and Russian), and volition experiment on unwilling humans or even take the country wiped and rebuilt if that's what it takes. Even if he's been reduced to a Brain in a Jar.
  • The New Order Final Days Of Europe: Any country defined as "Ultranationalist" in ideology is Patriotism is Bad taken to the most ugly and destructive extremes. It is described as a alloy of rabid militarism and veneration of the nation higher up all else, with stratification and racism blended into everyday life. Ultranationalist countries usually make military machine service mandatory and plot revenge confronting perceived enemies. The best example is the All-Russian Blackness League, a Russian warlord state comprised of General Rippers and War Hawks aiming to reunite Russia and set it for the Great Trial, a final genocidal showdown with Nazi Deutschland that will see nuclear and chemical weapons employed en masse, with their showdown resulting in The End of the World as Nosotros Know It. Many of the Black League'due south leadership are well enlightened their insane plan volition destroy the world, and in fact their vision of the Corking Trial hinges on it.
  • The Big Bad of BioShock Space — Prophet Zachary Comstock — drives the rogue floating city of Columbia with a twisted exaggeration of American hyper-jingoism, clinging onto ethics of fundamentalism and militant xenophobia to such an extreme (even by the standards of its 1912 time period) that he considers the America below an irreparably tainted sodom that must exist cleansed in a flood of fire. The sheer In-Universe perversion of what makes America "America" is then extreme that it religiously hails George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson every bit literal deity figures to justify their pogroms (for those not in the know, Washington hated the ideal of kings, Franklin was deeply Egalitarian and a Deist, and Jefferson coined the concept of "separation of church and country").


  • Unsounded: The horrors people will acquit out in the name of nationalism come upwards once more and again in the conflict between Cresce and Alderode. Even plenty of otherwise decent people from both countries display the discrimination and hatred caused by nationalism.

    Web Original

  • Bandit Keith in Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series is a bizarre version of this, who "apparently likes to remind everyone that he's from America". Every other line that he speaks ends with him proverb "in America!" or making references to being American. In a bizarre twist, he's Canadian.
  • News Parody El Chigüire Bipolar tends to portrait Venezuelan patriotic fervor negatively. An example is in the commodity "Venezuelan happy because he was mugged in the most beautiful beach in the world", in which the subject field finds a reason to be proud of his state in everything terrible that happens to him.

    Western Blitheness

  • On one episode of Family Guy, Peter is swept upwardly in a wave of pro-Americanism that ultimately leads to a crusade against immigrants, of which he, naturally, turns out to be one.

    Peter: [Wearing a arrange made of an American flag] This is how a patriot dresses.
    Stewie: You await similar the Statue of Liberty'south pimp.

  • Major Glory the Superhero from Dexter's Laboratory who is a parody of Captain America and Superman.

Mixed or Unclassifiable


  • Parodied in this ad for the Carl's Jr. Most American Thickburger which is seen existence eaten by an all-American model wearing a Flag Bikini, lounging in a hot tub in the dorsum of a flag-painted pickup driven by a bull-passenger...on an aircraft carrier, by Lady liberty...all while "America the Beautiful" plays in the background.

    Anime and Manga

  • Code Geass switches it up depending on the graphic symbol and which nation they're loyal to. Brittanians, by and large, are composed almost entirely of jingoistic imperialists whereas the Japanese are mostly portrayed as freedom fighters. However, they do occasionally mix and match each group's ideals. For example, Brittania seems to not have much of an consequence with racism (the clearly Indian-descended Villetta is staunchly proud of her Brittanian nationality), and there are several examples of the pro-Japanese motion existence highly exclusionary fifty-fifty to Japanese-sympathetic Brittanian forces.
  • America of Hetalia: Axis Powers is filled with Patriotic Fervor and a passion for liberty and justice. Merely while it often makes him Innocently Insensitive and arrogant, it's also made clear that America acts this way because he genuinely believes his nation is good, and doesn't mean whatever harm past it.
    • Of course, all the Nation-tans of Hetalia feel this style about their countries, since they are their countries; America is just the almost open almost it.
  • JoJo's Baroque Take chances: Steel Ball Run has the Big Bad President Funny Valentine, who is at least a competent enough politician to proceed most of his citizens happy. Nevertheless, he's willing to resort to Dirty Business concern to obtain Jesus's corpse and turn his state into a utopia while dooming the residual of the planet to farthermost misfortune. The reason he goes so far is because he wants to live up to his father, who died while resisting all kinds of torture for his country.

    Comic Books

  • While good ol' Captain America was originally conceived as essentially propaganda, over the years he's been adult and deconstructed in enough ways to remain sympathetic to foreigners and internationalists. Many of his gimmicky counterparts like the U. S. Agent tend to represent the more extreme side of this trope.
  • Parodied in PS238: The universe's local Helm Patriotic is getting up in the years, and both the Autonomous and Republican Political party want his successor to adhere to their party line. Thus, they push button their own candidates, both of whom constantly try to out-patriotic the other on-screen. Did we mention both of said candidates are in main school and none of their classmates understand anything of what they're doing?
  • Played with in Power & Celebrity: A-Pex is an all-American Flight Brick hero with blonde hair, adolescent proficient looks, and is an Ideal Hero — but information technology's all a manufactured persona by the US government as a product of nationalist fantasy.

    Movie — Animated

  • Lampshaded in The Volume of Life, with lighthearted jokes and references to Mexico every bit the center of the universe. Even the country itself has a moustache.

    Moving picture — Live-Action

  • The 2d film in the Rambo series is this trope.
    • The third film. Only then it'due south Afghani patriotism rather than American.
    • Considering that Rambo pretty much disowns America at the stop of the second film considering he's disgusted past the regime's attempt to cover up Vietnam nonetheless belongings American POWs, this trope may not apply to the Rambo films.
  • Some of Chariots of Fire is about the difference between healthy patriotism and unhealthy. 1 of the best scenes shows athletes saluting each other's flags and giving respect to each other's patriotism in a spirit of comradeship-in-contest between idealistic youthful athletes. Information technology gives the idea that for a short fourth dimension the world was a fellowship of nations.
  • Team America: World Constabulary parodies US patriotism, simply fifty-fifty more than severely mocks the anti-patriotism of Hollywood celebrities. This is made evident in The Hero's Kirk Summation.


  • Discworld:
    • In Jingo the nobles of Ankh-Morpork have an regular army consisting of officers with no feel leading troops with no training, yet they look it to take no more than a 24-hour interval to defeat an army several times larger with years of feel. There'southward also footling old ladies who try to shame the city'due south police officers for not abandoning their posts to join the army. The set-up is more slightly reminiscent of the popular paradigm of World State of war I. The book takes its name from the rhyme (quoted in the book itself) that gave u.s. the discussion "jingoism".
    • Reg Shoe. In fact, when he actually GETS involved in a Revolution (in which nobody pays any attention to him), in the final battle that is the climax of Night Lookout Discworld, Reg Shoe is killed by several crossbow bolts. His revolutionary fervor is and so dandy that this doesn't stop him, and he only gets more enthusiastic every bit a zombie.
  • Skippy's List has examples:

    26. Never tell a German soldier that "We kicked your ass in World War ii!"

  • Spy Schoolhouse: In the 7th book, when Alexander and Catherine Unhurt get into an argument near having never told each other they were spies.

    Catherine: When were you e'er honest with me?

    Alexander: That was unlike! When I lied to you, information technology was for the practiced of the U.s.a..

    Catherine: Well, when I lied to yous, information technology was for the sake of England.

    Alexander: That'due south not as important equally lying for the United States. America is more than of import than England.

    Catherine: Doo not make this argument almost which country is better. If you practice, I volition crush you.

    Alive-Activeness Television

  • Doctor Who:
    • Yvonne Hartman from "Regular army of Ghosts"/"Doomsday" is a patriotic retainer of the British Empire ("There isn't a British Empire!" "Not yet."), and as a result she runs the rather shady Torchwood Found, which kills and robs aliens coming to Globe in society to get their applied science, even accidentally allowing two separate alien invasions. At the aforementioned time, her patriotic fervour allows her to retain her own identity later being Cyberconverted, with her eventually making a Heroic Sacrifice.
    • "The Vampires of Venice": Isabella and her father Guido both endeavor to intimidate the enemy with patriotic proclamations of being Venetian.
  • Major Frank Burns on M*A*Southward*H was the quintessence of this trope. He had religious airs in the movie also.
    • Colonel Flagg (U.S. Army Counter-Intelligence Division), embodies a jingoistic, paranoid, "Americans are God" straw patriotism that is both funny and securely disturbing at the aforementioned time.
      • During The '50s it would non take been entirely unrealistic or entirely Straw to discover Flagg-like individuals in such a function. And in several other decades likewise. And in Real Life they're even more disturbing.
    • In contrast, Colonel Potter's patriotism is unquestionable, serious, and very downplayed. It's also proven by the fact he'south on his tertiary war, and notwithstanding faithfully serving despite being erstwhile enough to have retired.


  • Flemish region and Swann's "A Vocal of Patriotic Prejudice" is a parody of this.

    Professional Wrestling

  • The National Wrestling Alliance has a member promotion from every continent except Antarctica at some point in its history, but it was the United State whose Olympic wrestling squad got their official sponsorship. Usa!(individual members were gratuitous to sponsor whatever nation they wanted)
  • In 2005, Christian wanted to be drafted from Raw to Smackdown considering Smackdown had Americans, Mexicans, Japanese, and Frenchmen simply information technology had no Canadians.

    Tabletop Games

  • Warhammer and Warhammer twoscore,000: On 1 hand, patriotism to an overzealous, stagnant, and gleefully genocidal Vestigial Empire has prevented the men of the Crapsack World they live in from ever getting better. On the other hand, all that overzealous patriotic willpower is the merely reason they're still hanging on in a universe filled with demons and evil geniuses that should have killed them ten times over.


  • American Patriotic Fervor was the theme of the musical Strike Up the Ring, which had the U.Southward. starting a war with Switzerland over either cheese or chocolate.
  • George M. Cohan's name was one time all but synonymous with American Patriotic Fervor.
  • In the number "A Healthy, Normal American Boy" from Bye Adieu Birdie, Patriotic Fervor is one device employed to avoid having to answer questions about Conrad Birdie honestly. His fan clubs also pledge their allegiance "to Conrad Birdie and the Usa, both indivisible with liberty and justice for all."
  • Jim, the 'gentleman caller' in The Glass Menagerie, expresses his love for the many wonders of life in America... During The Swell Depression. He's portrayed as likable, but heedlessly idealistic for his beliefs.

    Video Games

  • While travelling through Bohemia in Darklands, your party may run into a group of Hussite rebels. When they place your heroes as ethnic Germans, things may become very vehement very presently, although, typically for the game, there are several options to avoid bloodshed if yous tin can use certain skills or a saintly intervention.
  • Metal Wolf Chaos: President Wilson covers both poles: he's plainly convinced he can do anything because he'due south the American president, but uses this ability to unmarried-handedly defend his country'south Burning FREEDOM!!! which is universally badass. Apparently, the Japanese think Americans defeat their enemies through hotblooded Patriotism!
  • Street Fighter's Zangief is the poster boy for this trope. AND Female parent Russia!!
    • Guile is a subversion. He gives off this vibe, merely but makes a couple of quotes about existence a human being and nothing almost existence an American. He has an American flag tattoo to mirror patches worn on soldier uniforms, and his backstory is all most finding a missing friend from the military, as opposed to Zangief who usually fights FOR RUSSIA.
  • Played with in the example of Ulysses of Fallout: New Vegas. In the Old Earth Blues DLC, you tin hear him speak of how he still believes in America despite having been wiped out two centuries ago and his most distinctive concrete trait is his jacket with the Fallout setting's version of the stars and stripes. In Lonesome Road however, it'southward shown that he has a disdain for all the major factions of the Mojave and plans to wipe them out using the nukes of The Divide. Nevertheless, information technology seems that while he is a devoted patriot, he has no "homeland" to devote himself to, having long since deserted Caesar'southward Legion and having his would-exist dwelling ending up destroyed by the unwitting hands of the Courier.
  • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is centered effectually two of these, and which one is good and which one is bad depends on how you look at it. The most obvious one is the Stormcloak rebellion with the boxing weep "Skyrim belongs to the Nords". It's practiced if you lot believe that the Third Empire they're a part of has let them down and they're just standing up for themselves, or bad if they're whining virtually cypher and being more than a little racist to match the pigheadedness. The Purple Legion and their allies in Skyrim are less overt, but they're still on the side of the Third Empire. Either they're trying to expect out for the best interests of every role of the Empire as best they can or they're pushovers forcing their ideas onto an unwilling role of the nation. Rugged patriots vs imperialist wimps or whiny racists vs applied diplomats? YOU Make THE Telephone call!
  • The Boss from Metal Gear Solid 3: Ophidian Eater, despite all that'due south happened to her in service of the US Authorities, remains loyal to America. Both out of genuine love of land and a want to bring the divided world together.
  • Aleksandra "Zarya" Zaryanova of Overwatch. On one hand, she will gladly drop out of a earth-grade bodybuilding competition, forgoing the potential fame and riches to fight against rogue Omnics on the front lines for her state. On the other hand, much like her country as a whole, she is particularly racist towards Omnics in full general- even cyborgs who have human elements like Genji, and Zenyatta who wants nothing more than peaceful human being-Omnic relations.

    Zarya: (on Volskaya Industries) "Katya [Volskaya] is a hero to my people. We must protect what she has built."
    Zarya: (on Eichenwalde annotation a metropolis that was ravaged past a war that took place between humans and Omnics) "I will non let the fate that befell this place happen to my country!"

  • Sunrider has Kryska Stares, a Solar Alliance liaison officer who volition gladly extol the Alliance's virtues and achievements to the Sunrider'southward mostly Neutral Rim crew. Her fervor is Justified, every bit she grew upwardly in poverty on a Neutral Rim planet with a corrupt government and her living situation was drastically improved when the Alliance liberated her earth. While a good person, Kryska'southward devotion to the Alliance's principles blinds her to the fact that her superiors are willing to practise some shady things in guild to win the war with PACT, and when Kayto tells her that some Neutral Rim worlds (like his own) would prefer to continue their independence fifty-fifty if it would do good them to join the Alliance, she tin can't seem to wrap her head around his argument.
  • Dual Blades: Efe'due south strongly loyal to his country, the Ottoman Empire, and seeks the Dual Blades in the hopes of preventing his country'due south continued decline in the late eighteenth century. However, it is double subverted in that his ending. While he does not actively betray his country, he decides upon gaining enlightenment from the Dual Blades that reveals to him that "there is always a frail balance, and that must come to an end in fourth dimension," and thus decides to let the empire run into its fate.
  • In Terminal Fantasy X-2, Lenne's willingness to fight on the front lines for her hometown is heroic. Shuyin's endeavor to use a Fantastic Nuke to slaughter anybody in the opposing metropolis, even non-combatants, is why he'due south the Big Bad.
  • The infamous "Conglaturation!!!" ending for Ghostbusters (NES) claims that defeating Gozer ways you have "prooved the justice of our culture"... except the game has no patriotic themes, and then this argument makes no sense whatsoever.

    Visual Novels

  • Invoked by Moe Mortelli at certain points in Daughter for Dessert, especially in his flashbacks, when he explained to his father that he would brand a good law officer. On these occasions, Mortimer Mortelli Senior would remind his son that at that place was more to policing than "cracking the heads of hippies."


  • Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal presents a handy primer to distinguish between Flavors 1 and 2.
  • Scandinavia and the World:
    • Inverted with modern-day Deutschland, who'southward afraid to wave his flag likewise much for fear of his people becoming besides prideful (because bad things happen), and even freaked out when he realized his shirt was a flag.
    • This is played straight with the main Scandinavian trio, though, since they see the flags as a symbol of joy and happiness, and similar waving them effectually for their birthdays. Or in this case Deutschland'due south.
    • Taken to extremes with America, who has been shown to distrust every single other land. Even his own hat.

    Web Video

  • French Baguette Intelligence: Several arguments are over whether Britain, France, the USA and/or any other country is improve than another for one reason or another, no matter how insignificant the reason is.

    Western Animation

  • The South Park episode "Osama Bin Laden Has Farty Pants" pokes fun at Osama bin Laden throughout most of the episode, but it also satirizes the paranoid atmosphere of the State of war of Terror and shows that the Afghans are mad at the United states of america considering The states air forces build their armed services bases on Muslim Holy Basis. Yet in the cease, the children do salute a miniature American flag, noting that if yous're not rooting for your home team, you might likewise go home.
  • Played for Laughs with Stan Smith in the before seasons of American Dad! who was an exaggerated stereotype of hyper-patriotic Republicans, but this was downplayed in later seasons. The testify besides has Steve's Japanese friend Toshi, who simply e'er speaks Japanese out of national pride in spite of the fact that nobody outside of his family unit tin sympathize him.
  • Played for Laughs with Robin on multiple occasions in Teen Titans Get!. In one episode, Robin bans tea from the tower by citing an obviously wrong story nigh how American's independence was related to tea. Robin thinks that tea is Britain'south attempt at trying to regain command of America. As it turns out, tea makes the Titans into anglophiles and they beginning acting British. Robin tries to make them recollect they're Americans by singing almost how America is crawly. Every bit it turns out, the Queen of England is really trying to turn Americans English by using tea. Become also had a similar episode about Americans hating soccer.

...In America!

Alternative Championship(due south): Patriotic Fervour, Refuge In Patriotism

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